The Palace Theatre Archives
The Palace Theatre in Redditch celebrated its 100 anniversary in 2013. We were pleased to have the opportunity to work closely with staff and volunteers from the theatre to document its history.
As a result, we have put together that history in the form of a “web-site” that can be viewed off-line by clicking the icon to the right.
Redditch Library Archives
Redditch Library not only holds extensive archives on the history of Redditch, its management are committed to supporting activities which promote and present that history. We were pleased to have the opportunity to work closely with its staff and volunteers on such promotions.
As a result, we have put together a “web-site” of some of the library’ archives and that web-site can be viewed off-line by clicking the icon to the right.
High Duty Alloys Archives
Mettis Aerosapce, which took over High Duty Alloys in 2000, celebrated the 75th anniversary of the founding of HDA in 2014. We were pleased to have the opportunity to work closely with staff o from Mettis Aerospace to document its history.
As a result, we have put together that history in the form of a “web-site” that can be viewed off-line by clicking the icon to the right.
2015 has seen the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War 1. Like all communities throughout the world the war had an impact upon Redditch, its residents and everyday life in the town. In this section, we have investigated that impact and report it through the newspaper articles that reported it at the time. It is not a complete record of Redditch in WW1 but gives an insight to the effect on Redditch residents. Click the icon on the right to access.
Redditch at War
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The Hymatic Engineering Company Limited is a well respected organisation in the 20th century history of Redditch. Formed in the 1930’s to exploit the opportunities compressed air offered it grew on the success of military contracts during the second world war. After the war it had to re-evaluate its product offering and realised it strengths, and the expertise of it staff, lay in problem solving. The fluctuating demands of the aero-space industry has led to a succession of buy-out, taker-overs and mergers. Today its part of the international Honeywell organisation and still has facilities in Redditch.
Hymatic Engineering Company Limited
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History In Print Archive
Day-to-day events have always been reported in local newspapers. Such events reflect life in the town, current fads, trends and what impacts peoples lives. The History in Print project has been using both physical Newspapers and on-line archives of old newspapers to do just that. This site presents a view of life in Redditch over the years by subjects and topics within those subjects
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The Lost Streets Archives
Tin 2013 we launched the Remembering Lost Redditch project and web site to document those area of the town centre lost in the redevelopment which was part of building the new town.
The full Remembering Lost Redditch site has ceased development and its contents are being transferred to this site. The “Lost Streets” is the the largest and most difficult to recreate so whilst that is happening, that section of the old site is available through this link.
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The RLHS Historic Archives
As part of the activities of the Redditch Local History Society we are often given artefacts which relate to the town’s past. These may be photographs, books, maps and in some cases the memories of current or past residents. All such artefacts are most welcome. We are keen to ensure that that are saved for future generations to see as well as their use by members in their research.
The RLHS Historic Archives site records and displays the society’s archives.
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Moon’s Moat is a designated historic landmark and the site of a former medieval moated house in the middle of a residential area between Arley Close and Barnwood Close in Church Hill.
Archaeological excavations have uncovered the foundations of a house, bridge and moat walls and the moat can still be seen very much as it was. This site documents the site and the work of the Moons Moat Conservation Group to maintain, enhance and promote the site.
Moons Moat Conservation
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Colin was born, bred and lived “Redditch”. His proper job, insisted on by his father, was the building trade, but his first love was entertaining. His knowledge of people, places and life in Redditch was second to none. He lived Redditch for eighty-eight years but we sadly lost him in December 2018
He generously shared his memories with the Redditch Local History Society in recent years and following his passing we are indebted to his family for passing on many of the books, photographs document and audio-visual memories he had collected over his life time.
Colin Wheeler's Redditch
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